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Showing posts from July, 2009


I am a kind of person who would like to have a own space I do regret that I expressed my anger and act emo at blogger WTH I m doing for last time? starting frm now...I wont express my anger and emo in blogger anymore Listening to music, composing songs and singing is still the best way for me to express my feelings I JZ WANNA TAKE A BREATH!!! I WANT MY OWN SPACE!!!

伤口复原后 总会留下伤疤

人类的心 - 词:黎炜鹏 人类的心 就像一颗椰子 外表坚强 内心却是柔软的 人类的心 就像一颗椰子 一旦被剥开 内心的脆弱 总被看见 在被剥开之前 它的外层还是坚硬的 但 在你一刀一刀的砍下 它终究会承受不了而裂开 人类的心 就像一颗椰子 一次又一次的伤痕 一次又一次的痛苦 终究会让他失去承受的能力 因此而受伤害 隐隐作痛的那种感觉 只有他明了 拿刀的人 总不会了解他的痛苦 被剥开了的椰子 不会也不能再剥开 被伤害过了的心 却还会再次受伤害 人类的心啊 你是如此的脆弱 人类的心啊 请你再坚强一点 你拥有生命力 去控制一切 别再受伤了 心上的伤口虽然复原了 但是 伤口复原后 总会留下伤疤

i jz wanna take a rest!

Ahhh!! year2 make me cant breath! ...assignment, mid-term, presentation~ WTH..... @@today is the mid-term test for Music Appreciation ... last minutes revision .. =.=hope i can score well in the ..think too much "hope i can pass lo then..." lol Hahaa.... ish!!!! =.=another mid-term test is coming soon.... GRR.... national goals? wat a boring subject =.= i m gonna die soon~ @@ciouz.. do revision lo!!! good luck to all my DMS's kaki

HEHE!! i got my new hairstyle!!~~wohoooo

YeahHHHHHH!! Cut a new hairstyle~ @@oh gosh!!!!my long hair gone~~ wuwuwu.... luckily it looks nice ....=.=if not i will really regret to cut my long hair.... Before After I spent 4 hours to cut tis hair... @@ I love my new hairstyle~~ I love my new shirt as well ^^, tq Miki for giving me the shirt ( SEED red and black's checked shirt, which are really very expensive == ) @@ i really luv the present very much i appreciate it very much she gv me 1 gift once a day ...continuosly for 8 days...^^ so nice She gave me.. 2 bottle of Nivea lotion, aloe lip balm, 2 SEED checked's shirts, ring,colgate (wtf) == ... haha!! and she is always send me home ==lol...wat a nice fren i hv..haha I keep all the stuff tat she gave me...T.T~ x sampai hati nak minum the flower tea neh~ hehe... inilah kawanku... ME & Miki

T.T sorry to my blog's viewers~

~.~ I M LIVING FOR THE COURSEWORK... Grrrrr....damm it lo, sorry to all my blog's viewer...really long time din update my blog d @@ i m almost fainted in this month... Argh!!! coursework! mid-term!! they were fully filled-up my life... @@Btw...i promise u all that i will continue to blog after i had done the coursework and mid-term heee.. :p i will also update the blogs that i had missed out in the past time very soon... Wait me k:)